Actu V.O. : Batman / Catwoman

On l’a appris il y a quelques jours, Tom King quittera la série Batman plus tôt que prévu, au terme de l’arc narratif City of Bane. Mais le scénariste aura l’occasion de mettre un point final à sa prestation sur le personnage avec la maxi-série en 12 épisodes Batman/Catwoman.

Tom King retrouvera un de ses collaborateurs réguliers, le dessinateur Clay Mann (Heroes in Crisis), pour ce titre qui sera publié en 2020.



Tom King :

“Batman and Catwoman is a chance to do what Morrison and Quietly did in Batman and Robin: launch an ambitious, accessible, beautiful, thrilling new series that concludes years of stories and defines what Batman is, can, and will be. This will be a comic about what the best Batman comics are always been about, how our greatest hero turns fear into bravery, pain into hope, trauma into love. It’s the story I always wanted to tell, and I’m telling it with the man I consider to be the greatest artist in comics, my brother Clay Mann."

“It’s tough to leave Batman. It’s a gift and a joy to be on that book. But I’m leaving it to work on the biggest, most ambitious projects of my career, comics I get to make with the best collaborators in comics. And that’s a gift and a joy too.”

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