Actu V.O. : Black Hammer / Justice League - Le Crossover !

Jeff Lemire orchestre la rencontre entre les héros de son univers Black Hammer et la Ligue des Justiciers de DC Comics dans une mini-série en 5 épisodes qui sera publiée à partir du 10 juillet 2019.

La partie graphique a été confiée à Michael Walsh (Worst X-Man Ever, Star Wars : The Last Jedi…).

Jeff Lemire :

“The joy of Black Hammer, for me, and I presume many of its fans, is to read superhero comics that are character driven without endless tie-ins and events. So, I don’t want Black Hammer to become that. But this was an excellent opportunity to tell a really fun story and, hopefully, to bring Black Hammer to a bunch of new readers. I have too many stories of my own that I still want to tell.”



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