Actu V.O. : Batman par Warren Ellis et Bryan Hitch

Annoncé depuis quelques mois, le projet Batman de Warren Ellis et Bryan Hitch a été officialisé par DC Comics. The Batman’s Grave est une maxi-série en 12 épisodes qui sera publiée à partir du 6 octobre. Et l’équipe créative est complétée par Kevin Nowlan à l’encrage !

Ci-dessous la première couverture (et vous pouvez retrouver un premier aperçu sur le forum) :



The team that brought us The Authority now turn their talents towards The World’s Greatest Detective, whose current case forces him to inhabit the mind of a murder victim with a half-eaten face—without filling the empty grave next to those of his parents.

But first, Ellis and Hitch get into the mind of a butler. Once a week, rain or shine, Alfred Pennyworth walks to a little cemetery plot in the Wayne Manor grounds. He meticulously tends to Thomas and Martha’s headstones, plinths and slabs: weeding, cleaning, polishing. But how much longer before there’s another Wayne memorial to tend to?

Within this dynamic duo’s new comic lives a Batman with an almost psychotic identification with murder victims. He immerses himself in their lives and obsesses over every detail of their deaths. Even as Batman would process the evidence and approach the perpetrator from one side, he would live inside the life of the victim as they approached their death.

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