Les Enquêtes de Murdoch - Saison 13


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Saison 13 - 18 épisodes Passer la saison en "vue" Ajouter un épisode

Ep. 1 - Episode 1

Ep. 2 - Bad Pennies

Ep. 3 - Forever Young

Ep. 4 - Prodigal Father

Ep. 5 - Murdoch and the Cursed Caves

Ep. 6 - The Philately Fatality

Ep. 7 - Toronto the Bad

Ep. 8 - The Final Curtain

Ep. 9 - The Killing Dose

Ep. 10 - Parker in the Rye

Ep. 11 - Staring Blindly into the Future

Ep. 12 - Fox Hunt

Ep. 13 - Kill Thy Neighbour

Ep. 14 - Rigid Silence

Ep. 15 - The Trial of Terrance Meyers

Ep. 16 - In the Company of Women

Ep. 17 - Things Left Behind

Ep. 18 - The Future is Unwritten

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