Darkman vs. Army of Darkness 3 Issues

Comics / Super Heros

The Deadqueen decides that Ash and Darkman are becoming a royal pain in her dead @$$, so she sets out to create her own special 'Army of Darkness!' And she calls forth from one particular gravesite, the burned and battered body of Robert G. Durant. Whoo-Boy, Darkman isn't going to like that! All the mayhem is brought to you by writers Kurt Busiek and Roger Stern, artist James Fry, and series cover artists George Pérez and Nick Bradshaw!

The Queen of Darkness, inhabiting the body of Julia Hastings the deceased fiancé of Darkman, is successful in resurrecting Robert Durant. She seeks the Necronomicon that is in the possession of Ash, Darkman, and Hastings former assistant, Brynne Kelly. Durant agrees to help in taking them down.

Durant soon discovers that the spell the Queen of Darkness has cast raises different varieties of Deadites and that physical trauma can change humans into Deadites. Durant takes over a television studio to put out the call to Darkman.

Seeing Durant and the Deadites on television, Darkman and Ash make their way to the station. They soon find themselves overwhelmed by Deadites and must retreat. They soon find that the media and the Mayor have been converted and are covering up the invasion as they build a temple for the Queen.

Kelly finds a spell in the Necronomicon that could possibly exorcise the Queen from Hastings body. This causes Ash to question his worth as he tells them how when his girlfriend, Linda, was possessed he simply killed her. He never thought there could've been a chance to save her. Kelly then tells him that Linda had a different infection and the spell wouldn't have worked on her.

Realizing her death wasn't his fault, Ash is back and ready to take on the Deadite Army of Darkness with Darkman.

Darkman vs. Army of Darkness 3
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