Actu V.O. : Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Marvel relancera le titre Friendly Neigborhood Spider-Man en janvier 2019, avec Tom Taylor (X-Men Red) au scénario et Juann Cabal (X-23) aux dessins.

Le premier volume de la série, presque entièrement écrit par Peter David (à l’exception des crossovers The Other et One More Day), avait été publié entre 2005 et 2007.


La couverture du #1 par Andrew Robinson :



Written by Tom Taylor with art by Juann Cabal, the new series tells the tale of the power and responsibility that the wallcrawler bears as both a Super Hero and as the guy who lives next door!

And guess what? Spider-Man is the worst neighbor ever!

There’s always crazy villains and property damage and drama and he catches the villains and he tries to fix the damage and he helps carry your groceries and actually that property damage helps keep the rent down? You know what? Spider-Man is the best neighbor ever and this book will give you a closer look at Spider-Man’s neighborhood than any book ever before.

Also, it wouldn’t be a Spider-Man adventure without a threat that could destroy not only Spider-Man, but all his neighbors as well…


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