Kenshin le Vagabond 5 Américaine VIZBIG

arts martiaux action aventure

As SHISHIO MAKOTO's Juppongatana warriors descend on Aoi-Ya and the Kyoto-based Oniwabansh?, Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Sait? Hajime take the fight right to Shishio's front door: his mountain stronghold. Sano tests both his fists and his powerful "Mastery of Two Layers" against the immovable Y?ky?zan Anji, the very person who taught him that technique. Sait? matches blades with the homicidal "Blind Sword" Usui, while Kenshin and Shinomori Aoshi resume their match, which was put on hold back in Tokyo.

Meanwhile, Misao and her compatriots desperately try to turn the tide against a slew of Juppongatana fighters. With Yahiko and Kaoru getting in on the action, things begin to look slightly less insurmountable…and then the giant Fuji appears. Facing strength and skill that can literally reduce buildings into piles of kindling, Kenshin's weary friends may lose all hope. Is there a swordsman alive who can stand up to Fuji's horrific might?

Kenshin le Vagabond 5
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