U don't know me (Manhwa de RAKUN) - Sanctuary

U don't know me


Seyun, a lithe and catty high-schooler with a mysterious past, and Yoojin, a rough-and-tumble, straight-laced Judo star, have known each other since they were children. Growing up in the same place, they're bound to have differences, and when a tragedy befalls Seyun's family, he's forced to give up his home and move away from Yoojin. A new school, new friends, and years later, Yoojin and Seyun find themselves walking vastly different paths, while struggling to maintain their friendship. But when old feelings start resurfacing, a bitter tug-of-war starts, with hearts in the balance, secrets in the closet, and twists that nobody sees coming!

U don't know me
Note globale 7,50 2
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Membres 7,50 2
Collection Envie Critique
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U don't know me édition Américaine
Terminée en 1 tome
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